I was thinking what’s the incentive with the current gemron progress and if it’s possible to have a unique gemron for each marble account instead?
To achieve the vast number of permutations you would have to expand upon the lash concept to add more segments and go fully around the gemron.
Easiest example is using the alphabet with 26 segments, and 52 possible designs per segment (using a to z and A to Z), the have multiple font choice, random color per segement, random color per gemron, random gemron shape, etc. But to guarantee more permutations you require a greater pool of customizations than above example.
And if people don’t like their final gemron then provide an option to start again. Easiest is to wipe gemron design and start again, but to avoid deletion regret I would allow the completed gemron to be retired while work on replacement gemron. Then once second gemron is finished you decide which to delete, so account only supports one completed gemeron design. This is to free up permutations as nearly every account is probably playing with nearly two gemron designs.
And if some are inclined to continually delete their unique gemron then provide a symbol with a number in it to show how many new designs they have done. For those that want to grind.